One Month with Teddy. Ten things I’ve learned this month.
I now believe in love at first sight. The moment I looked at
him. The moment I held him in my arms. Nothing else mattered, but my new little
family. March 2, 2018 will always be my favorite day, the day I became a Mom.
Having grace. I’m trying to not be so hard on myself. I’ve
apologized for the way our home looks, the way I look and the way Teddy always seems
to be semi-clothed. I’ve realized that I must give myself grace. I’ve been a
mom for 4 weeks! I’m still adjusting to this new lifestyle and things might not
be in tiptop shape – midsection included.
Clothes are only cute if they come with a zipper. Time is presence,
especially when you’re a new Mom. I love cute baby clothes, but anything that
doesn’t come with a zipper or three snaps goes back in the drawer. Buttons are
a new Mom’s worst enemy.
No one will ever be good enough. I feel sorry for Teddy’s future
wife because she’s going to have a long rough road ahead of her. After
interviewing about 27 nannies, I still have not found anyone remotely good
enough to take care of my son. Michael says it’s hormones. I say it’s
I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a warm cup of
coffee. I think I reheat my one cup an average of 7 times a day.
We truly are so lucky. The amount of people who have stepped
up to help us during this time is overwhelming. From coming in town, bringing me
White Rock Coffee, giving us hand me downs, preparing home cooked meals, holding
my hand in the labor room and the countless phone calls telling me everything
is going to be alright, we really do have the greatest support system.
Where did the time go? To the parents of more than one. How?
The days go by so quickly. My only free moment is writing this post, which I’m
doing after a 4 am feeding session. Excuse the grammar errors, I’m tired and
don’t have the luxury to edit.
Staring is okay. Friends and other moms told me, “sleep when
the baby sleeps.” That just doesn’t work for me. I can’t stop staring at this
little 6 pound 12-ounce angel we created. I would think this is weird, but
Michael does the same thing…. maybe this is where our free time has gone.
You fall in love with your spouse all over again. It sounds
funny, but I knew Michael would be a great Dad from the way he treated the
vizslas. I find myself sitting back and letting myself be entertained by Michael’s
interaction with Teddy. He never wants to put the poor kid down and is constantly
kissing, making silly faces and singing to him. My favorite is when he sings to
Teddy in Polish. No idea what he is saying, but I love it.
The best view. I’ve seen some pretty places - mountain top
sunrises, the Boston Marathon Finish line, Eiffel Tower at night, but nothing
comes close to the beauty of seeing your son smile for the first time. The best
view was quickly followed by the best sound – the first time he giggled.